Ürün Marka Model : TOSHIBA SAT L655-1E8 I5-480 4G 500G 15.6 W7P 1GVGA İşlemci : Intel® Core™ i5-480M İşlemci (2,66 / 2,93 Turbo GHz, 3 MB L2 cache) Sistem Belleği : 4GB (2GB + 2GB) DDR3 RAM – max. 8GB (1066 MHz) Ekran Kart1 : ATI MOBILITY RADEON™ HD5650 HyperMemory™ 1GB yerleşik, 2.267 MB’a kadar DDR3 kullan1labilir grafik belleği Ses : Toshiba Bass özelliği geliştirilmiş ses sistemi, Stereo hoparlörler Ağ Kartı : Ethernet LAN 10/100 Sabit Disk Kapasitesi : 500 GB (5.400 rpm) Seri ATA HDD Optik Sürücü : DVD Super Multi çift katmanlı sürücü Batarya : Li-Ion batarya, 3.45 saate kadar pil ömrü Klavye : Numerik tuş takımı Ekran : 15.6″ LED arka ışık teknolojisine sahip Toshiba TruBrite® HD TFT ekran (1.366 x 768 çözünürlük) Kasa : Rengi Çelik Grisi İşletim Sistemi : Orijinal Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit) Türkçe / İngilizce Boyutlar : 2,50 kg Geliştirilmiş Portlar : 2 x USB 2.0, 1 x eSATA/USB (paylaş1ml1), HDMI Kablosuz Haberleşme : Wireless LAN (802.11b/g/n), Bluetooth™ 2.1 EDR Bellek Kart Yuvası : Çoklu Medya Kart Yuvası Açıklama : VGA web kamera (Yüz Tan1ma Özellikli) ve mikrofon, HD Audio, ECO modu, Çoklu Dokunmatik Kontrole Sahip Touch Pad Garanti Süresi : 24 ay |
TOSHIBA SAT L655 1E8 i5 480 4GB 500GB HD5650 1GBVGA W7P 15.6 LAPTOP

A basic laptop may be good for you, but it ddepnes on what software you will be using. and How much power you need.What is you Price range?What will you be doing? Internet surfing? Math and word Processing/ PowerPoint? Or intensive audio and Video production? Games (this may be your hobby outside of school)Will you be using this as a desktop replacement or will you be away from your dwelling often? This may determine the battery life you need. If you are going to be out and about often, get a long lasting battery.There is no best brand, But I would say stay away from HP and Compaq laptops, unless you buy a good warranty. Go for Asus, Sony or ToshibaMake sure you pay close attention to the specifications of your laptop.Minimum requirements I recommendDual core CPU 2.0Ghz2 Gb RAMHard Drive Space Minimum 160 Gb, 7200 RPMI don’t know if you care about this but Macs are nice machines and are also status symbols. If you care about appearances you may consider a MAC. if not, get a Windows PC.