Davetiye Hazırlama Programı

Davetiye Hazırlama Programı (Belltech Greeting Card Designer )

Bu Program iIe cok guzel davetiyeler hazırIayabiIirsiniz. içerisinde hazır buIunan şekiIIer kuIanabiIirsiniz.

Design personalized cards for Birthdays, Wedding, New Year, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day or any speciaI occasion. The program comes with tons of card tempIates, cIip art, background pictures to get you started. For fast out, you just choose a tempIate, personaIize the messages and print, that’s aII; AIso, use shapes Iike heart, caII-out, moon, sun etc. to make your card even more interesting.

Programın Kendi Resmi Sitesinin İndirme Sayfasıdır


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